Dear Friends,

I’m writing on May Day, which has always been a joyous, open-hearted celebration, a festival of flowers, fertility, sensuality and delight everywhere in the world. The ancient rites such as maypole dancing and love-making celebrated the miracle of conception and the renewal of life.

The "green fire" energy of growth is at its height and all of nature is making love: bees pollinate flowers, animals bring forth their young and people are feeling friskier, reflecting the Earth’s Kundalini rising. To the Celts it was called Beltane and great bonfires were lit at sundown. After many hours of celebrating and leaping over the fires, couples would melt away into the night to enjoy with each other a night of erotic pleasure that they knew was the best way to honor the Goddess.

Imagine living in a culture where sex was sacred and not a sin! The cultures that honored the divine feminine, existing for over 30,000 years, knew that our sexuality was a life-affirming expression of spirit. Goddess sexuality reflects the ancient erotic paradigm integrating sexuality and spirituality. These ancient cultures understood that sexual pleasure honored the Goddess, connected us with spirit, and renewed our life force.

A central aspect of ancient celebrations was the enactment of the Great Marriage, which was a sexual union between the High Priestess, who was the earthly representative of the Goddess and her consort. The rite honored the deeper mysteries of sexuality. The Great Marriage ritual was performed in a beautiful private setting, yet the whole community participated in processions, singing, and prayer that supported the success of their magical connection. It was believed that the powerful energy they released ensured the prosperity of the community.

Whatever your circumstances, please honor your connection to spirit and spend some time in a natural setting this weekend. Smell the delicious scents of the flowers, bless the bees and celebrate our Mother Earth in all her springtime glory.

Blessings, Linda

Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman: Reclaiming Our Sexuality

Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality, Revised Edition

Womb Wisdom – guided imagery with original soundtrack by Peter Girard

Linda E. Savage, Ph.D.
Author of Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality: The Power of the Feminine Way
& Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman: Reclaiming Our Sexuality
AASECT Certified Sex Educator